Persimmon Jam

posted in: recipe, Vegan/vegan friendly, vegetarian | 0

This jello-curd-like jam could not be described better than sweet, rich and sexy. With this jam, you will get that lovely, subtle flavors of ripe persimmons turned into a real treat that will bring your breakfast bowls and pancakes on to … Continued

Crtice iz Rige

posted in: putovanja, restorani | 1

Vratila se. Želja za pisanjem. Želja za putovanjem. Živnula sam tamo gdje sam se najviše bojala napraviti (novi) korak. Ponovno sam otputovala. Zalaz sunca na plaži u Jurmali Riga se dogodila slučajno i neplanirano. Baš takva sam i ja otišla … Continued